You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.8. END OF PERIOD Menu > 1.8.4. End of Period - End of Year > Keeping your EOY Data (v2.8)

Keeping your EOY Data (v2.8)

If your site has been set up by Micronet Service Desk staff to retain access to multiple End of Year data sets (a chargeable service), users should have access to an additional shortcut named Micronet EOY Launcher. This launcher provides access to the relevant applications for each financial year.

If you want multiple EOY datasets which are accessible at all times, select Copy EOM to EOY then click on the Copy From End of Month to End of Year utility.

This copies the End of Month data from \MSA28\MnetEOM to the new EOY data area.



You must do this before you run the next End of Month or you will overwrite your End of Year data for June.